Monday 19 March 2018

Why You Should Wear Earthy Tones this Spring?

ENG: From mustard, to khaki, green olive, from ruby ​​to mocha, all shades of brown, ocher, sand, peach and cream. Lately I have often approached them in various combinations. To my joy, this spring and summer, we will wear these shades and be closer to nature and all that is naturally. Most of the fashion houses have in common the same thing, the return to natural.

  But what makes me the most to wear them, is because they truly matches everything I already have, it looks so decent and these shades can be worn at any time of the day. They are unpretentious shades, they can be self-contained but they can also add value to other elements than themselves. And more than that, these colors never get out of fashion. In each season, it's so in, either summer on the sand, at sea or in autumn in a specific landscape, or in winter in the snow, they look good anytime. And today I propose you an outfit in such colors, on a beautiful spring day!

  Do not hesitate to play with textures to add surprise elements in your closet with earth shades. Suede, leather and tricot in earth tones can certainly make a good pair with anything you already have in the closet. Probably you have thought of them as boring and agile before. Do not be afraid to include the earth tones in the wardrobe, they certainly will not bore you but will challenge you!



RO: De la mustar, la verde khaki, olive, rubiniu, pana la mocha, toate nuantele de de maro, ocru, nisipiu, piersiciu si crem. In ultima vreme le abordez des si in diverse combinatii. Spre bucuria mea, primavara si vara aceasta, vom purta nuante mai aproape de natura si de natural. Mai toate casele de moda au in comun, un singur lucru, intoarcerea catre natura.
   Dar ceea ce ma determina cel mai mult sa le port, este pentru ca se asorteaza cu orice, arata decent si pot fi purtate in orice moment al zilei. Sunt nuante nepretentioase, pot fi de sine statatoare dar pot pune in valoare si alte elemente decat pe ele insele. Si mai mult de atat, culorile acestea nu se demodeaza niciodata. In fiecare sezon, sunt in, fie vara pe nisip, la mare, fie toamna intr-un peisaj specific, fie iarna in zapada, ele arata bine oricand. Iar eu propun o tinuta in astfel de culori, intr-o zi frumoasa deprimavara!

  Nu ezita sa te joci cu texturi pentru a adăuga elemente surpriză în dulapul tău, cu nuante pământii. Suede, piele și tricoturi în tonuri de pământ pot face cu siguranță pereche buna cu orice aveti deja in dulap. Probabil ca pana acum v-ati gandit la ele ca fiind ceva plictisitor si batranicios. Nu vă fie frică să includeți tonurile pamantii in garderoba, cu siguranță nu va vor plictisi ci va vor provoca imaginatia!

Blazer: HERE
T-shirt: Pull an Bear
Chinos: Zara Men
Shoes: similar HERE
Bag: similar HERE

1 comment:

  1. Earthy tones are always a great idea! Love them and you definitely nailed this look! The blazer is gorgeous and it works really well with the all white attire. Have a nice week. xx



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