Monday 9 October 2017

5 Things Bloggers Don't Say

ENG: As it is clearly seen in pictures, this is one of those days when I have a bad hair day, because outside the wind blows from all directions and it is inevitable to have no rebel hair . The only thing that would have saved me would be a hat or a cap .. or a beret !! :)

Anyway, what I wanted to tell you today is what many bloggers do not say: the difficult part of having a blog, especially a fashion blog, where we bloggers present various outfits in photo shoots. No, it's not as easy as it sounds.

1. Posting takes 5 minutes to see and read it, but building it here is the complicated part.Well, initially we set the outfit for that post, then the difficult part starts when we have to find who and when, to take us the pictures. Beloved ones, husband, mother, father, girlfriend, boyfriend's friend, anyone ... But sometimes none of them are available or willing. And then? What are we doing? Just be patient.
2. Or it has not been said about failed photo sessions. When the photos are not the way we wish for, or the pictures have gone too dark, blurred or too bright. And they stay in the archive, whether we resume it or not. Which means wasted time.

3. Nobody says about those ugly pictures. On the blog we see the most beautiful ones. You already know there is "a perfect angle", a trick that I think all bloggers know. Knowing this, you can see from now on that most of the pictures we made are in the same angle. Because that is the angle that best favors us. How many pictures did I leave aside, although they looked good and fashionable, they were nicely focused, the light was good, but ... the expression of the face was not really nice, I had 3 beards, or one weird eyebrow .
4. Many bloggers have a job in a multinational or have responsibilities. And their free time is very limited. There are few bloggers who manage to keep up and get their money from it. But the others, among the time fragments, manage to make a post from time to time. And if it is not successful, then everything was in vain.

5. And sometimes or most of the time :)) blogging turns us into some shopaholic! We often spend our last penny on clothes, because it is something new and we like it so much, but the most important thing is the we must put it on the blog .. by all means!

There are definitely good parts of blogging and they are much more numerous than negative ones, but they are also worth discussing. Blogging is for me one of the activities that gives me positiveness every time when I post and I really don't want to give up, ever.
Looks easy and fun, but sometimes it isn't!

RO: Dupa cum se vede clar si in poze, asta e una din zilele acelea in care parul nu sta nici cum, pentru ca afara bate vantul din toate directiile si este inevitabil sa nu ai parul hai hui. Singurul lucru care m-ar fi salvat ar fi fost o palarie, o sapca.. sau o beretaaa!! :)

Anyway, ceea ce voiam sa va spun astazi, este ceea ce multi bloggeri nu o spun: partea dificila in a avea un blog, mai ales unul de fashion in care noi bloggerii prezentam tinute in diverse photoshoot-uri. Nu, nu e deloc asa usor cum pare.

1. Postarea dureaza 5 min maxim sa o vizualizezi si sa o citesti, dar sa construiesti postarea in sine, aici e partea complicata. Pai initial stabilim tinuta, apoi partea dificila este cine si cand, face pozele. Iubitul, sotul, mama, tata, prietena, prietenul prietenei, cine se gaseste... Dar cateodata nici unul dintre acestia nu sunt disponibili sau dispusi. Si atunci? Ce facem? Asteptam.

2. Sau nu s-a spus despre sedintele foto esuate, in care ori tinuta nu e asa cum ne-o dorim, ori pozele au iesit prea intunecate, incetosate sau prea luminoase. Si ne raman acolo in arhiva, fie ca reluam tinuta sau nu. Ceea ce inseamna timp pierdut..

3. Nimeni nu spune despre acele poze urate. Pe blog le vedem pe cele mai frumoase. Stiti deja ca exista "un unghi perfect", truc pe care cred ca toate blogger-itele il cunosc. Stiind acest lucru, vezi putea observa ca majoritatea pozelor unei bloggerite sunt facute in acelasi unghi. Pentru ca acela este unghiul care ne avantajeaza cel mai mult. Cate poze nu am lasat deoparte, desi ele aratau bine, erau focalizate frumos, lumina era buna? dar.. ba expresia fetei nu era tocmai draguta, ba aveam 3 barbii, ba o spranceana nu stiu cum, ba o suvita rebela si nelalocul ei.

4. Multi dintre bloggeri au un job in vreo multinationala sau au responsabilitati. Si timpul lor liber este foarte limitat. Sunt putini bloggeri care reusesc sa se intretina din asta. Dar ceilalti, printre frimiturile de timp, reusesc sa mai faca din cand in cand o postare. Si daca acesta nu e nici reusita, atunci totul a fost in zadar.

5. Si cateodata sau de cele mai multe ori :)) blogging-ul ne transformam in niste shopaholice! De multe ori ne cheltuim ultimii banuti pe haine, pentru ca a aparut ceva nou si ne place, dar cel mai important trebuie pus pe blog.. neaparat!

Exista cu siguranta parti bune ale blogging-ului si acestea sunt mult mai multe la numar decat cele negative, dar merita si acestea discutate. Blogging-ul este pentru mine unul dintre activitatile care ma incarca pozitiv, de fiecare data si nu as vrea sa renunt la el vreodata. 

  Pare usor si distractiv, dar cateodata nu este!


Coat: similar HERE
Denim: C&A
Turtleneck: Stradivarius
Sneakers: Deichmann
Bag:  HERE


  1. Hahaha, I agree with you!! I hate failed photo shoots!!!
    Great look!

  2. Thank you so much for your visit, Patricia!!

  3. hai raccontato delle verità, pensa che ame le foto le fa a volte mio figlio di 5 anni?!!

    1. Thank you Lalu for your visits! I am really glad to hear that your son likes it, too! Kind Regards!


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